Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Here I Am

Although this title is a big cliché I couln't find no other to start this first real post (as opposed to the copy/paste post below). It's even a title for an old favourite of mine from my early teens, Here I Am by Dominoe. But that is it: here I am trying to make sense of this blog in my second language.
I am a Portuguese thirty year-old man from Madeira Island and I'm doing a BA in Creative and Professional Writing at the University of Glamorgan in Wales. What I intend to do on this blog is still a mistery to me, so I'll just write whatever comes to my mind, and sometimes paste something from my own writing for the modules or even from other sites I find interesting.
I'll welcome critique and I'll thank you if you find any misspelt word or misplaced grammar. I´ll even answer your questions and doubts on the comments box. But be warned: I'll sometimes throw some politics into the mix. You can guess my political point of view from this blog's name and description.
Hope to hear from you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"answer" e não "anwer". Beijinho