Friday, 19 October 2007

Nuts or What? (or: I Have Absolutely No Idea)

There are times when you're alone and start talking to yourself. I do that almost too often. Take now, for example: It's too late in the evening and I have classes tomorrow at nine but here I sit, wide awake in front of a computer screen, talking to myself. Not actually talking but rather having a conversation and writing it down. Nuts? Not really. Not yet. Just wait and read the actual discussion my conscience was hosting.
There I was, in bed pretending to sleep, when a few questions came banging on my head: When was the world created? Can you even begin to answer that question? And is it a logical one to ask? I mean if the Universe is eternal it has no beggining; and if it has a birth date then it will end one day. And what was there before? If there was something, it's still the Universe, just a different one. If there was nothing then another dilemma arises: What is nothing? Is it the absence of anything or the absence of something? Does it exist? If it exists, then it is something and is part of the Universe. If it doesn't exist then why is it defined and named?...
And I could go on whith this chatter for a few more philosophical corridors and invented a few more. Nuts? I'm not one to judge myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quem nasceu primeiro, o ovo ou a galinha?lol;)